"Gold Faith" Project has realized informationization of industrial business administration in our country, and promoted the development of credibility construction effectively. “金信工程”实现了我国工商行政管理的信息化,有效地促进我国企业诚信建设的展开。
We should always share the new insights with other mushroom scientists, mushroom industrial and business men, and mushroom growers. 同时,我们也应该与其它蕈菌学专家,工业家及菇农们分享最新的学术思维及开发成果。
A person engaged in commercial or industrial business ( especially an owner or executive). 从事商业或工业贸易的人(特别是业主或经营者)。
He has put forward unquestioned claims so consistently that he not only believes them himself, but has convinced industrial and business management that they are true. 他所提出的种种论断是如此不容置疑、如此一致,以至于不仅他自己相信了,而且也说服了工商界的管理者相信其正确性。
Application of barcode data collecting system to industrial business management 条码数据收集系统在工业企业管理中的应用
Show industrial business industry produces total dimensions and total level, reflective is manufacturing assembly fruit, do not show the stand or fall of management state and economic benefits. 表明工业企业工业生产总规模和总水平,反映的是生产总成果,并不说明经营状况的好坏和经济效益。
Since the development on internet, today, in various revolutionary and new technologies, the industrial business environment has already entered into the knowledge and economic period. 自网际网路的发展以来,在各式革命性新技术迅速发展的今日,产业营运的环境已经正式迈入知识经济的时代。
Upstream and downstream of the industrial/ Business chain 产业链的上游和下游
There are three kinds of districts: industrial, business, and residential. 在美国各地,每个城市都有不同的区域。
Those in attendance at this meeting today are all leaders in Chinese and EU economic and industrial and business circles. 今天在座的各位都是贵国经济企业界的领军人物。
The panel discussed the proposed framework for the establishment of the innovation and Technology Fund for promoting innovation and technology in the industrial and business sectors. 事务委员会讨论设立创新及科技基金的架构建议,以促进工商界的创新及科技发展。
Research of Evaluation Method of Completing Ability and Sustainable Development of Industrial Business 工业企业竞争力与可持续发展评价方法的研究
Third, the Navy Yard is designated by the State as an Empire Zone and by the City as an Industrial Business Zone, thereby providing significant tax benefits for creating jobs. 第三,因为海军工业园区被指定为州和市的开发区和工业区,因其创造就业机会而得到很多的税收优惠。
The Federation of Hong Kong Industries is a statutory body established in 1960 to promote and foster the interests of Hong Kong's industrial and business communities. 香港工业总会于一九六零年成立,属法定组织,致力促进和维护本港工商界的利益。
Among them: Gross value of industrial output mirrors industrial business industry to produce total dimensions and total level, reflective is manufacturing assembly fruit. 其中:工业总产值反映工业企业工业生产总规模和总水平,反映的是生产总成果。
To that, investors must add the modestly valued industrial business being spun off. 对此,投资者还必须加上正在剥离的估值恰当的工业业务。
Principle and Application of Evaluation Method of Competing Ability of Industrial Business 工业企业竞争力评价方法的研究与应用
Fragility Characteristic Regarding Protection of Industrial Business Secret 企业商业秘密保护的脆性问题及保护策略
Almost all large and industrial business enterprises all have own railroad conveyance system. 几乎所有的大型工业企业都有自己的铁路运输系统。
For successfully fulfilling the management of customer satisfaction, it is necessary to become familiar to specific industrial business operations, to research on the formation process of customer satisfaction and to find key factors, which affect customer satisfaction and obtain available countermeasures. 要有效地开展顾客满意度的管理工作,需要熟悉具体行业的商务实践,研究顾客满意度的形成过程,找出影响顾客满意度的关键因素并进行有效对策。
Under this background, this text investigates the problem that the Chinese industrial business enterprise how to choose the way into the international market, based on the both side of their internal ownership advantage and location advantage. 在此背景下,本文依托《加入WTO后中国工业企业开拓国际市场的成功因素研究》课题,从企业自身内部所有权优势与东道国区位优势两方面探索中国工业企业国际市场进入方式选择的问题。
Financial Constraints in China's Industrial Business Investment 中国工业企业投资的融资约束研究
The Technical and Economic Analysis for the Inventory Model of an Industrial Business 工业企业库存模型的技术经济分析
Through calculating the management ability and growth ability factorial points and the competing power factorial points of every industrial business in different year the authors make the overall evaluation and sequence for the competing power of industrial business. 通过计算每个企业不同年度的经营能力、效益能力和成长能力因子得分和企业竞争力因子综合得分,实现了企业竞争能力强弱程度的总体评价和排序。
The industrial laboratory is a science and technology research agency belonging to industrial business. 工业实验室是从属于工业企业的科技研究机构。
Facing an ever increasingly competitive market, how companies to be adapted to the rapidly changing industrial business environment, and to find its new ecological niche. That was became the serious issue to be faced by all of managers. 面对愈演愈激烈的产业竞争,如何在快速变迁的产业环境中,找到新的生存利基,成为管理者所必须面对的严肃议题。
And the establishment of the development model and the development of music industry are ultimately realized through the industrial business organizations. 流行音乐产业发展模式的建立和产业的发展最终是通过产业经营组织实现的。
Integration of future mergers within the industry and the industrial chain business cooperation will increase. 未来产业内的并购整合以及产业链上企业合作将增多。
However, the shortage of creative talents, lack of creativeness in animation products, high risk in industrial business model and lack of industrial policy implementation are main problems along with its growth. 当前,中国原创动漫产业成长环境良好,但成长过程中面临原创人才短缺、动漫作品创意不足、产业经营模式风险大、产业政策落实程度不高等问题。
However, in our country, most of the feed operation of industrial enterprises are still at the exploratory stage of pre-trip, especially in the industrial business model of choice is not yet very mature. 但是目前我国大部分饲料企业的产业化运作仍处于起步摸索阶段,尤其在产业化经营模式的选择上还不成熟。